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A generic headshot photograph of a person
Steve Greenfield

University of Westminster, UK


A generic headshot photograph of a person
Mark James

Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

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A generic headshot photograph of a person
Guy Osborn

University of Westminster, UK

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Profile picture for Ashley Jane Lowerson
Ashley Jane Lowerson

Northumbria University, UK

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Section Editors

Peter Robson

University of Strathclyde, UK

Advisory Board Members

Advisory Board Members are currently being recruited – if you think that you could fulfil a role in this capacity and would like to put yourself forward, please contact us with a) a one page CV, and b) a short 200-word outline detailing your suitability for the role and your strategy and approach to sourcing new work for the journal.

Richard Collier

University of Newcastle, UK

Website Twitter

Ken Foster

University of Westminster, UK

David Fraser

University of Nottingham, UK

David Wall

University of Leeds, UK
